I am wondering if any of you can identify with the woman who attends a bible study, realizes that the questions she has are not that different from the questions other people are asking. By gathering is this community of learning she can engage her faith and grow more deeply.
I remember as a teenager there was a couple at our church and they offered to have a bible study for the "young people" meaning the teenagers. I went because it was offered and don't remember much about it although there was something sustaining about it. As I got older I found the weekly bible studies during the summer while I worked at Camp Wightman were more meaningful. I felt I was desiring "something" more, guess it was some kind of "spiritual" hunger.... study seemed to feed me. Today my bible study tends to be in my office in preparation for Sunday morning rather than in a group gathered for spiritual nurture and growth. Perhaps something I can consider...
Consider the questions for the day: What is one learning experience in your faith life that has changed how you live in a significant way? How did you learn it? Have you shared it with others?
Just some food for thought!
Rev P