Please don't wait for me to post!!!! It has been an incredibly hectic week and it appears that I have dropped the blog ball! Never fear, I, like you, are reading. There is so much to thing about when we consider worship. Thoughts on the readings?
I will catch us up Tomorrow!
Still getting ready for worship at this late hour.
Rev. P
I have to admit, I have not read since Monday, and once again, something has been "sticking in my craw" ever since then. It might just be in the totally wrong direction, but here goes:
ReplyDeleteI believe it said that worship offered the chance to bind people to one another. I have been thinking all week of how meaningful one particular part of our worship each week is for so many - the cares/concerns, joys/sorrows. I have watched and listened as others receive prayers, blessings, congratulations, etc. And then the relief, the unburdening of a burden, the joy that is shared - it is sometimes almost palpable. And it makes me wonder - is there really any other place where you can feel so connected to God at the same time as connecting to a community of people who will gladly share your troubles as well as your joys? It is truly one of the bonuses of worship for me - knowing that I can share the time of faith and caring with people who I care for and who care for me. If every new person who walks through the doors of NCC could walk away with that same connection, then we would have "done our job", so to say; would we have not?
It seems to me that the essence of a passionate worship experience is as individualized as the folks in the pews on any given morning. What touches someone and gives them a sense of a closer relationship with God is very personal. In my own experience, it varies week to week. It may be a prayer, the sermon, or our shared concerns and celebrations. Watching a little one carry the symbol of the light of God out into the world, sharing in Communion, and especially the music – all help connect me to God. At NCC there is a palpable energy, a sense of joy that I believe emanates from Patty and then like the light we pass on Christmas Eve ripples out to touch each of us….We are reminded that in our imperfect humanness we are all part of the whole, we all have gifts to share. I believe the gentle encouragement to un-package our gifts and use them changes people and molds them, and “deepens their understanding of life and their relationship to God…” pg. 40
ReplyDeleteOften I leave worship feeling alive, feeling refreshed and ready to do God’s work. I also take away a sense of acceptance….where ever I am this week is okay. So if I am tired and have come only to be nurtured or hurting and have come for comfort, it is in the arms of many that I am touched by God.
Thanks for the eloquent comments....I think we have a lot of people working "for the love of God" each week to help set the stage for worship. Jeanne Roberts, Bruce, Patty, Scott, the choir members and each person who greets and talks to others.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ellen that the prayer time is a special time that "binds people together". Differetn parts of the service fill me at different times, but I am just glad to be there and be blessed by the experience
This book has made me think abut worship anad how the spirit works in and through us. It is an amazing thing that brings me back each week.
It is also making me realize that our presence does make a difference in our lives as well as others. I don't understand it, but I just feel it as we greet each other, sometimes with a quick hi, others times with a hug. Seeing each of you and knowing you feel worship it important helps fill my soul. OUr church is blessed with many "fruitful" people!
“If you could extract all the worship experiences out of your life – all the sermons, Scriptures, hymns, prayers, fellowship you ever experienced – how would you be different? How has God used worship to change you and shape you?”
ReplyDeleteIf I were to extract all of the worship experiences out of my life I would not be the person that I am today. Being a Christian, a follower of Christ, is not simply a part of whom I am – it is entirely who I am. My faith is number one in my life, or at least I try to make it number one in my life. Many times I fall short, and other things such as money, stress, school, friends, etc. can take control and seem to be the only things my life is focused on. However, at the end of the day, from Divine intervention I am always reminded of what is important. My faith sustains me. In a world that can sometimes seem to be too overwhelming and stressful, my faith reminds me of what is important. The worship experiences of my life have guided me along the paths my Christian walk has taken. If I had not experienced one worship experience I may never have progressed to the next. I believe God has placed me in the settings and environments I have been in to get me to the place where I am today.
One worship experience that is particularly memorable for me at NCC was the service of remembrance we had last year. During this time, an altar of remembrance was constructed in the front of the sanctuary. The altar was covered with candles and pictures of loved ones. Music was played in the background, and the people were invited by Rev. Patty to come forward and light a candle in remembrance of loved ones that have passed and are now with God. This service left an imprint on my heart because it illustrated the union we all have in the loss of a loved one and the hurt and pain that can coincide with that loss; yet at the same time the service reminded me that all of us may feel pain because of loss, but in that pain we are comforted because of our faith and the reminder of the love God has for each one of us. This worship experience literally brought tears to my eyes.
I could not imagine a life without any of the sermons, worship experiences, hymns or prayers! It was common where I was raised to say “I need Christ more than water to drink or air to breathe” but isn’t this the foundation of our faith. A faith in Christ is not something that we journey through life and never share or witness. A large part of our Christian identity is our use of community and with that brings worship experiences, prayers and sermons. The importance of fellowship in learning is the key to the Christian attitude. We are called to learn in a community of learners, to teach one another, learn from each other and assist our peers in their spiritual journeys. An experience in which we are challenged by our brothers and sisters beliefs, our own walks of faith and deep questions of morality is imperative to nurture faith formation. Worship is a time to sing great praise and relieve a heavy heart, but is also a time to learn from each other, scripture and sermons. What would I have learned in my life without my faith journey? It is arguable that I would have learned basic skills in life to survive, but a Christian life teaches us much more than how to live for ourselves. We are taught to live for Him and for others as well (J.O.Y. Jesus, Others, You). So simply put, I do need Christ more than water or air. I need the powerful faith experience His unfailing love has provided.
ReplyDeleteI guess this is the most up to date blog posted. As I was reading the comments from Eric and Shawn, I was so excited that we have them in our church and that they are working with our youth. How blessed we are to have young men willing to share their faith and feelings with us and with the kids.
ReplyDeleteAlso as I re read the other comments, I realize how fortunate we are to have such wonderful "seekers" at NCC, and I sense that those who have not commented yet are at least thinking about some of this and "pondering things in their heart". God is working through ALL of us and I love it!!! GWEN