It is Tuesday and we have (theoretically) moved into the next practice of the five. But WAIT!!!!! I would like to invite us to consider taking a moment to consider the wealth of information, ideas, and stories that have filled that pages of our first week on Radical Hospitality. What has stuck with you?? What ideas seem to be one's that we can incorporate into our ministry at NCC? What ideas/thoughts are you planning on discussing with your teams?
Friends this in the beginning of a period of discovery and renewal and we as leaders need to (must) be on the cutting edge. We need to have these values and practices well ion hand as we move the ideas and challenges of radical hospitality into the larger congregation. You need to help me understand where you believe God is calling the church to grow. We need to work together to survive any growing pains we may experience.
It is a new day here at NCC and I for one am extremely excited!!! I can feel the undercurrent of God's spirit bubbling up among us. We need to be ready.
So ... we can learn the names of our members and friends, we can say hello to those who God brings through the door, we can muster the courage to bring a friend to a church event or worship, we can follow through with guests who have visited and let them know how much we enjoyed them being with is, we can look around our spaces and wonder how welcoming they really are... Because all are invited to the banquet!!!!
The question we are moving to is what do we do once they are here. For now though please respond with your thoughts about this section!!!
Thank you, love to you always!
I think other comments on the greeter position are important. Greeter needs to have all the info on child care, rest rooms, large print bulletins - anything that can assist a person new to church. I think the idea of just having an umbrella might be terrific and somehow keeping an eye out for folks who might need help with the stairs - difficult with the door closed in winter, but good to think about.
ReplyDeleteNew Members - In past churches, I think the new member process included 2 meetings - 1st with pastor about church basics and meeting the other new members. The 2nd meeting included ministry chairs to meet new folks first and give introductions and some basics about ministry teams.
Before moving on to what to do w/people once they do come to NCC, there is one thing in particular that has been "sticking in my craw" as my father would often say. During Day 5, (I think), there was mention of a church that did a monthly outreach to members of the community, thanking them for their work. What a simple way to share the love? It made me think about what we do as local outreach. We support the food pantry, we host a food tent on the 4th of July for the parade and allow people to use the facilities of the church, we walk in local fund raising walks; but I cannot name anything else that we do that "supports" the community and gets the "word" of NCC out.
ReplyDeletePlease understand, that coming from a position that did a lot of marketing for a local business, that is the standpoint from which I speak. Marketing a church may seem improper, but really, we must get people in the door first before they can become members.
Therefore, what else can we do (other than what we already do - and I apologize if I have excluded anything, and press on the projects we do)? I have noticed in both the 4th of July parade and the Christmas parade in Middleboro, other churhes have floats; they have also had booths up at local events where they supply water and/or other goods. Just a couple of examples. Could we contact the local fire dept and police dept. and invite their members for a special service? Or could we offer them buy one get one free for a Roast Beef supper in thanks for all they do? Could we do the same for the teachers in the community?
Could our youth group offer to clean up a downtown site (say one of the parks or Oliver Mill) since towns have so little money for upkeep? Could we as a group (young and old) volunteer to put flags on veteran's graves for Memorial Day?
Just brainstorming and rambling....but that little country church continues to speak to me.
Looking forward to the next section!
With respects to Radical Hospitality; I remember when Linda and I first started coming to NCC, we had an informal meeting/dinner with Patty and Lynne. I recall the conversation with Patty as being what we (Linda and I) could and should expect from the church as a whole. But then I posed a question to Patty; "What should the church expect from Linda and I?" I think that this is an important question that anybody who wishes to join our church or any church for that matter should ask of the church body and of themselves. I think too many times we "expect something" even if we don't know what that "something" is. And we would be hard pressed to know what is expected from us, if we haven't answered question 1. There are too many instances where we don't let in those who "need/want" to get in, to get in and those who want to get to the outside and spread the word, through word or deed, are kept from getting out. There are too many cases where someone is locking the doors to the "House of God" and we need to find the "key" to open those doors.
ReplyDeleteFantastic ideas above! I think greeters being tuned into newcomers and offering info/anticipating needs for childcare, rest rooms, or a mention of when our Sunday School meets for the family that shows up with school age children would help. I also see a thread between what Gordon and Jerry mentioned in terms of information that we have a responsibility to get out to potential members. I know the idea of multiple meetings is cumbersome, but I think at least two gatherings would be useful. (I came from a church that had 4 - 6 meetings with folks interested in joining.)
ReplyDeleteI also think Ellen is definitely onto something about getting the word out, and I would guess there are plenty of creative ways to do that. I also especially like the notion of thanking and inviting our firefighters, police, teachers to a RB supper at some kind of a discount.
Many ideas, many details to be considered. What is good is that we are in dialogue! We need to engage others in this discussion, and the various action plans that come out of it, which I understand that is the plan. Yea! There is a balance to be struck between allowing folks, new and old to focus on coming to NCC to heal, to worship, to meet whatever needs they have...and to helping them get involved. I still have memories of friends who left church because it was "too busy and they always wanted me to do something. So we must remeber the wisdon of the God is Still Speaking Campaign and "...no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome..."
I know reaching out is important; but I did want to share an experience Chris and I had at one church we "tried out"-we felt almost "smothered" at the door, and at the end of the service everyone came up to us. It was like we were being pounced upon to join in and I for one felt very uncomfortable. I think a balance of knowing the difference in welcoming and overwhelming would benefit the greeter position too.
ReplyDeleteWow! great feedback and ideas. I am enjoying the way the author relates all of this to scripture and to God/Jesus/HOly Spirit. Makes our vision seem even more important.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to see people keeping the basement in mind.....we'll see how the Spirit leads
I love reading the comments! thanks
I agree that our greeters could use some instruction in pointing out restrooms, child care, etc. for visitors. I have also thought about including the children in greeting duties, but I continue to shy away from that for child safety reasons.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that getting new members involved in the various functions and activities of the church will give them a commitment and ownership of the church, which is what we want from family members. There is also a fine line between getting involved and becoming overwhelmed by responsibilities.
Listening and discerning needs is still key for current members, as well as new visitors, and then offering opportunities for spiritual growth.
Hello All! Sharing the book between Eric and I has been difficult, but finally I am here to add my part…
ReplyDeleteNCC does a great job welcoming new or perspective members. I do know that the narthex is often so crowded that just trying to get a bulletin can be confusing and hectic. Having greeters wear name tags which simply state “GREETER” is a great way to separate the madness of the mornings in the narthex. (A side note, deacons should wear them too.)
Once folks decide to become a member of NCC a few new member classes always seem great. At some churches they have three 1- The History of NCC and UCC identity. 2- Beliefs and Ministry 3- Introduction of board of ministries members and deacons. The would provide a better introduction to the church. We often want to get to know our new members, but we forget they want to get to know us too.
Here is an idea to get folks involved….I remember when I was younger attending church with my mother and once a year during the Mass there was a ministry call. Various leaders of ministries would give an introduction of their ministry and during fellowship would have their own booth to collect the names and emails of anyone who was interested in joining their team. Sometimes it seems sporadic at NCC- different times of the year we ask for people to join various teams….maybe to have an official day….much like a job fair. Also, posting opportunities on our website with contact information is great for those who may be hesitant to speak to someone immediately following church. (Postings on our website would also show perspective members what we do. Most people “church shop” online now.) Just having a table for “Sunday School” “Choir” “Worship Team” “Youth Group” and “Bible Study” would make members aware of everything we do have going.