When I read the lists of "seedlings" for radical hospitality and passionate worship I am pleasantly surprised at how many of these ideas are already in place at our church. We are actively working on welcome, our worship services seem to be touching people given the numbers of folks in worship every week and the numbers of visitors that return week after week. Of course there are areas that we could be doing better at...
I am curious what you have identified on the lists of "seedlings" that we might want to focus on. What thoughts do you have about welcome and worship for the next three to six months? What seeds might you be interested in planting in the days ahead?
As I look out into the Sunday morning congregation I feel a bit overwhelmed. Mostly because it is very hard to keep up with all the new faces. I generally am able to keep peoples names and faces in my little brain but lately I feel less able to keep up. I wish and pray for us a more streamline way of tracking visitors, getting contact information, following up, and helping folks get involved. Also, helping connect older and newer members or guests. Let's think through what are our next steps....
Yes this is an amazing journey. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Rev. Patty