It is Tuesday and we have (theoretically) moved into the next practice of the five. But WAIT!!!!! I would like to invite us to consider taking a moment to consider the wealth of information, ideas, and stories that have filled that pages of our first week on Radical Hospitality. What has stuck with you?? What ideas seem to be one's that we can incorporate into our ministry at NCC? What ideas/thoughts are you planning on discussing with your teams?
Friends this in the beginning of a period of discovery and renewal and we as leaders need to (must) be on the cutting edge. We need to have these values and practices well ion hand as we move the ideas and challenges of radical hospitality into the larger congregation. You need to help me understand where you believe God is calling the church to grow. We need to work together to survive any growing pains we may experience.
It is a new day here at NCC and I for one am extremely excited!!! I can feel the undercurrent of God's spirit bubbling up among us. We need to be ready.
So ... we can learn the names of our members and friends, we can say hello to those who God brings through the door, we can muster the courage to bring a friend to a church event or worship, we can follow through with guests who have visited and let them know how much we enjoyed them being with is, we can look around our spaces and wonder how welcoming they really are... Because all are invited to the banquet!!!!
The question we are moving to is what do we do once they are here. For now though please respond with your thoughts about this section!!!
Thank you, love to you always!